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Data Processing

VRI Consulting Services

All rates below are preliminary and final rates are determined based on amount of time needed and length of the service. 

Data Culture Foundations

This is for the data novice who may not know where to start on their journey or may need help identifying what data they have and what they will need to achieve their ultimate vision. 

Beginning Rate: $50/hour consultation

Data Capacity Building

If you know what data needs to be collected, but there may not be efficient or effective systems in place, this may be a service for you! I will come in and help work with you and your team to build a system that will work for you and make sense in your daily work! 

Beginning Rate: $75/hour consultation

Efficiencies Consultation

Do you need a few Excel documents automated to move business along? Do you have some questions about how to make a data process more efficient? This consultation is for individuals who may only need a little bit of help to solve everyday systems problems where the solution may be automation or little tweaks!

Beginning Rate: $25/hour consultation

Business Intelligence Dashboarding

Dashboarding is slowly becoming a common tool in numerous sectors. I can build both Power BI and Tableau dashboards to help understand how your program or your business is currently running and provide your recommendations on how to keep increasing and expanding your dashboard to make your data work for you! 

Beginning Rate: $1,500/dashboard;                                                  $25/hour maintenance 

Program Evaluations & Data Analytics Reporting

I am also specialized in program evaluation, performance management and measurement, and reporting! If you need a longer project for a grant, a potential investor, or want to know what the current state of your organization, I'm the one to call! 

Beginning Rate: $75/hour consultation

Social Determinants of Health Analysis

Beyond business analytics, my background and research experience also venture into healthcare and social determinants of health work. If you need someone to analyze data or have a second opinion on SDOH data, I'm your person! 

Beginning Rate: $75/hour consultation

Interested? Contact me for a Consultation!


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